G. Eppley, "eTOF, MTD, VPD, TOF", STAR Operations Retreat, BNL, Upton NY, March 22, 2023
F. Geurts, "Dileptons and BES Physics," RHIC-BES Online Seminar Series VI, April 25, 2023
F. Geurts, "Dileptons as Multi-Tool in Ultrarelativistic Heavy Ion Collisions," GRASP Opening Workshop, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands, May 25, 2023
F. Geurts, "STAR Heavy Ion Highlights," BNL NPP Program Advisory Committee meeting, BNL, Upton NY, Sept. 11, 2023
Y. Han, "Run19 Au-Au 19.6GeV Thermal Dielectron analysis”, STAR Collaboration Meeting, LBNL, Berkeley CA, Feb. 27, 2023
Y. Han, ”BES-II Thermal Dielectron Update,” STAR Collaboration BES-II Workshop (online), June 30, 2023
Y. Han, ”Thermal dielectron measurement in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 7.7 14.6, 19.6 GeV with STAR,” QM2023, Houston, Oct. 05, 2023
Y. Han, "Thermal dielectron measurement update," STAR Collaboration meeting, American University in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt, Oct. 17, 2023
Y. Han, "Probing the QCD Phase Diagram via Thermal Dilepton Radiation: Status and Future Opportunities", Seminar in Hadronic Physics, Department of Physics, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, November 17, 2023
C. Jin, "Thermal dielectron measurement in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 7.7 GeV with the STAR experiment," poster presentation, QM2023, Houston, Oct. 05, 2023
Z. Ye, "Probing a new regime of ultra-dense gluonic matter using high-energy photons with the CMS Experiment," CFNS seminar, Stony Brook Univ. Stony Brook, NY, March 16, 2023
Z. Ye, "Probing a new regime of ultra-dense gluonic matter using high-energy photons with the CMS experiment," DIS 2023, MSU, East Lansing, MI, March 28, 2023
Z. Ye, “Probing Ultra-Dense Gluonic Matter via UPCs with the CMS Experiment,” GHP2023, Minneapolis, MN, USA. March 12-14, 2023
Z. Ye, “Overview of Thermal Dilepton Production with RHIC BES Program,” RHIC&AGS Meeting 2023, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Aug. 1-4, 2023
Z. Ye, “Accessing the Temperature of QGP via Thermal Dielectrons,” Student Day of STAR CL Meeting 2023, New Cario, Egypt. Oct. 16-20, 2023
Z. Ye, "Vector Meson Photoproduction in UPCs at CMS," 2nd workshop on advancing the understanding of non-perturbative QCD using energy flow, Stony Brook University, Nov. 8, 2023
Z. Ye, “Probing Ultra-Dense Gluonic Matter via UPCs at CMS,” DNP-JPS 2023, Hawaii, USA. Nov. 26-Dec. 1, 2023