• J. Brandenburg, "Identified π/K/p RCP and AuAu15 QA + RefMult Correction Preview", Light Flavor Parallel Session, STAR Collaboration Meeting, Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York, November 3, 2014.

  • J. Butterworth, "QM14: Dielectron production in Au+Au at 27 GeV", Light Flavor Parallel Session, STAR Collaboration Meeting, Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York, February 11, 2014.
  • J. Butterworth, "The production of low mass dielectrons in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 27 GeV from STAR", Light Flavor Spectra Flavor Session, STAR Collaboration Meeting at FIAS, Frankfurt, Germany, May 13, 2014.
  • J. Butterworth, "The production of low mass dielectrons in Au+Au collisions at √sNN =27 GeV from STAR", Quark Matter 2014 Poster Session, Darmstadt, Germany, May 20, 2014.
  • J. Butterworth,"STAR dielectron at BES energies", Invited Presentation, BNL-RIKEN Workshop on Thermal Photons and Dileptons in Heavy-Ion Collisions 2014, Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York, August 20, 2014.

  • F. Geurts, "R&D towards two endcap TOF annuli (eTOF) for eSTAR", STAR R&D 2014 and iTPC review, BNL, February 10, 2014
  • F. Geurts, Energy Dependence of Dilepton Production at RHIC, invited presentation at Rencontres de Moriond QCD, March 2014, La Thuile, Italy
  • F. Geurts, Dilepton Measurements at RHIC, Nuclear Theory Seminar, April 25, 2014, Texas A&M, College Station TX
  • F. Geurts, The Standard Model & The Higgs Discovery, Lecture at QuarkNet Workshop, June 2014, Rice University
  • F. Geurts, Future Dilepton Measurements at STAR, Invited Presentation, RIKEN-BNL Research Center Workshop on Thermal Photons and Dileptons in Heavy-Ion Collisions, August 2014, BNL
  • F. Geurts, Future Dilepton Measurements at RHIC, Community Input at the 2014 Long-Range Plan Joint Town Meetings on QCD, September 2014, Temple University, Philadelphia PA
  • F. Geurts, Dilepton Measurements at the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider, Colloquium, NIKHEF, September 2014 Amsterdam (Netherlands)
  • F. Geurts, Putting Hot Nuclear Matter on a Map, Colloquium, Rice University, November 2014

  • W.J. Llope, "Freeze-out (μB,T) values from particle multiplicity cumulant ratios", Bulk Correlations PWG parallel session, STAR Collaboration Meeting, BNL, February 11, 2014 Rice

  • K. Xin (presented by Zhangbu Xu), "Antimatter Muonic Atoms and Muon Hadron Correlations" , STAR Regional Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, January 22, 2014.
  • K. Xin, "Dimuon Production in Au+Au √sNN = 200GeV at RHIC", Light Flavor Spectra Parallel Session, STAR Collaboration Meeting, BNL, February 11, 2014.
  • K. Xin, "Embedding Status in Light Flavor Spectra Group", Light Flavor Spectra Parallel Session, STAR Collaboration Meeting, BNL, February 11, 2014.
  • K. Xin, "Search for Antimatter Muonic Hydrogen at RHIC ", Light Flavor Spectra Parallel Session, STAR Collaboration Meeting, BNL, February 12, 2014.
  • K. Xin, "Embedding status", Plenary Session, STAR Collaboration Meeting, BNL, February 14, 2014.
  • K. Xin, "Dimuon Production in Au+Au √sNN = 200 GeV Collisions at STAR", Light Flavor Spectra Parallel Session, STAR Collaboration Meeting, Frankfurt, Germany, May 13, 2014.
  • K. Xin, "Search for Antimatter Muonic Hydrogen at STAR", Light Flavor Spectra Parallel Session, STAR Collaboration Meeting, Frankfurt, Germany, May 13, 2014.
  • K. Xin, "Search for Antimatter Muonic Hydrogen at STAR", Plenary Session Flash Talk, STAR Collaboration Meeting, Frankfurt, Germany, May 16, 2014.
  • K. Xin, "Dimuon Production in Au+Au √sNN = 200 GeV Collisions at STAR", Poster Presentation, Quark Matter 2014, Darmstadt, Germany, May 19, 2014.
  • K. Xin, "Search for Antimatter Muonic Hydrogen at STAR", Poster Presentation, Quark Matter 2014, Darmstadt, Germany, May 19, 2014.
  • K. Xin, "Exotics Search in STAR at RHIC", Invited Presentation Plenary Session, The 5th Asian Heavy Ion Conference, Osaka, Japan, August 5, 2014.
  • K. Xin, "Search for Muonic Atoms at RHIC", Invited Presentation, Particles and Nuclei International Conference 2014, Hamburg, Germany, August 24, 2014.
  • K. Xin, "Search for Muonic Atoms at RHIC", Hot Quarks 2014, Las Negras, Spain, September 21, 2014.
  • K. Xin, "Muonic Atom Paper Proposal", STAR collaboration meeting, Light Flavor Session, BNL, Nov 3, 2014.
  • K. Xin, "Embedding status of LFS embedding requests", STAR collaboration meeting, Light Flavor Session, BNL, Nov 3, 2014.