• J. Brandenburg, "Dimuon in p+p collisions", LFS-UPC parallel session, STAR Collaboration Meeting, LBNL, Berkeley CA, Jan.25, 2018
  • J. Brandenburg, "Prospects for BES 2: what we learned in phase 1 and what to expect next", invited seminar, Berkeley, CA, April 5, 2018
  • J. Brandenburg, "Pre-QM18 Update: μ+μ- Invariant Mass Spectra in p+p collisions at sqrt(𝑠NN)=200 GeV", STAR Pre-QM Meeting, Warsaw, Poland, May 8, 2018
  • J. Brandenburg, "Muon Identification using Neural Networks with the Muon Telescope Detector at STAR", plenary flash talk, Quark Matter 2018, Venice, Italy, May 2018
  • J. Brandenburg, "Measurement of the μ+μ- Invariant Mass Spectra in p+p and p+Au Collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV with the Muon Telescope Detector at STAR", Aix-Les-Baines, France, Oct. 3, 2018
  • J. Brandenburg, "Energy Dependence of Jet Quenching Signatures", invited seminar, BNL, Upton NY, Oct. 16, 2018
  • J. Brandenburg, "Introduction to the Machine Learning Focus Group", STAR Winter Analysis Workshop, BNL, Upton, NY, Dec. 12, 2018
  • J. Brandenburg, "gamma-gamma e+e- Production", LFSUPC parallel session, STAR Winter Analysis Workshop, BNL, Upton, NY, Dec. 12, 2018

  • G. Eppley, "CBM/STAR eTOF Project", plenary session, STAR Collaboration meeting, LBNL, Berkeley, CA, Jan. 26, 2018
  • G. Eppley, "Infrastructure at BNL and installation plans", STAR-CBM Joint Workshop, Heidelberg Univ., Heidelberg, Germany, Sept. 29, 2018

  • F. Geurts, "High Baryon Densities in Terrestrial Experiments", invited talk, APS April Meeting 2020, Columbus OH, April 15, 2018
  • F. Geurts, "The Hottest Thing in the Universe", QuarkNet Teacher Workshop, Rice University, Houston TX, June 2018
  • F. Geurts and I. Deppner (Heidelberg), "Status and time schedule for eTOF at STAR", plenary presentation, STAR Collaboration Meeting, Lehigh Univ., Bethlehem, PA, July 19, 2018
  • F. Geurts, "General landscape of the QCD phase diagram at large μB", NA60+ LOI Meeting, Oct. 25, 2018
  • F. Geurts, "Di-electron Measurements in Beam Energy Phase 2", invited talk, Workshop on Electromagnetic Radiation from Hot and Dense Nuclear Matter, ECT* Trento, Italy. Nov. 30, 2018
  • F. Geurts, "Endcap TOF Hardware Readiness", plenary session, STAR Winter Analysis Workshop, BNL, Upton, NY, Dec. 12, 2018

  • D. Tlusty, "LFS-UPC PWG report", plenary session, STAR Collaboration meeting, LBNL, Berkeley, CA, Jan. 27, 2018
  • D. Tlusty, "The RHIC Beam Energy Scan Phase II: Physics and Upgrades", Conference on the Intersections of Particle and Nuclear Physics (CIPANP) 2018, Palm Springs, CA; June 2, 2018
  • D. Tlusty, "The RHIC beam every scan: physics and upgrades", STAR-CBM Joint Workshop, Heidelberg Univ., Heidelberg, Germany, Sept. 29, 2018