• J. Brandenburg, "Centrality at 14.5 GeV", Bulk Correlations, Light Flavor, and Heavy Flavor Joint Session, STAR Collaboration Meeting, Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York, June 2, 2015.
  • J. Brandenburg, "RCP in Au+Au at 14.5 GeV", Light Flavor Parallel Session, STAR Collaboration Meeting, Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York, June 2, 2015.
  • J. Brandenburg, "Identified Light and Strangeness Hadron Spectra at √sNN = 14.5 GeV and systematic study of baryon/meson effect at intermediate transverse momentum with STAR at RHIC BES I", STAR Collaboration Meeting, Shanghai, China, September 2015
  • J. Brandenburg, "Identified Light and Strangeness Hadron Spectra at √sNN = 14.5 GeV and systematic study of baryon/meson effect at intermediate transverse momentum with STAR at RHIC BES I", Quark Matter 2015, Kobe Japan, September 2015

  • J. Butterworth, "27 GeV Dielectrons", Light Flavor Spectra Parallel Session, STAR Collaboration Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY, June 2015

  • G. Eppley, "CBM TOF as STAR eTOF for BES II", STAR Future Discussions, LBNL, Berkeley CA, August 24, 2015

  • F. Geurts, "Dilepton measurements at RHIC: past, present, future", invited presentation, Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, Keystone CO, January 2015
  • F. Geurts, "Dilepton & Quarkonium Measurements in STAR", invited presentation, 6th Workshop of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics, Baltimore MD, April 2015
  • F. Geurts, "Paper Status Report", STAR Collaboration Meeting, Stony Brook NY, June 2015
  • F. Geurts and R. Fatemi, "Plans for Release of STAR Data for Runs 13 and 14", NPP Program Advisory Committee meeting, BNL, June 2015
  • F. Geurts, "Recent Developments in Dilepton Physics", invited plenary presentation, Hard Probes 2015, Quebec Canada, July 2015
  • F. Geurts,"STAR Teaser Talk", STAR Collaboration Meeting, Shanghai China, September 2015
  • F. Geurts, "STAR Overview", plenary session, Quark Matter 2015, Kobe Japan, September 2015
  • F. Geurts, "Future Beam Energy Scan Measurements at RHIC", ECT* Workshop on New Perspectives on Photons and Dileptons in Ultrarelativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions at RHIC and LHC, Trento Italy, December 2015

  • D. Tlusty, "Open Heavy Flavor Measurements as a QGP Probing Tool", Rice NPP Seminar, Rice University, September 3, 2015

  • K. Xin, "Muonic Atom Analysis and Paper Status", STAR collaboration meeting, Light Flavor Session, Stony Brook University, NY, Jun 2, 2015.
  • K. Xin, "Dimuon Production and Muonic Atoms in Heavy Ion Colllisions", Ph.D. Thesis defense, Rice University, November 23, 2015.