J. Brandenburg, "Centrality at 14.5 GeV", Bulk Correlations, Light Flavor, and Heavy Flavor Joint Session, STAR Collaboration Meeting, Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York, June 2, 2015.
J. Brandenburg, "RCP in Au+Au at 14.5 GeV", Light Flavor Parallel Session, STAR Collaboration Meeting, Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York, June 2, 2015.
J. Brandenburg, "Identified Light and Strangeness Hadron Spectra at √sNN = 14.5 GeV and systematic study of baryon/meson effect at intermediate transverse momentum with STAR at RHIC BES I", STAR Collaboration Meeting, Shanghai, China, September 2015
J. Brandenburg, "Identified Light and Strangeness Hadron Spectra at √sNN = 14.5 GeV and systematic study of baryon/meson effect at intermediate transverse momentum with STAR at RHIC BES I", Quark Matter 2015, Kobe Japan, September 2015
J. Butterworth, "27 GeV Dielectrons", Light Flavor Spectra Parallel Session, STAR Collaboration Meeting, Stony Brook University, NY, June 2015
G. Eppley, "CBM TOF as STAR eTOF for BES II", STAR Future Discussions, LBNL, Berkeley CA, August 24, 2015
F. Geurts, "Dilepton measurements at RHIC: past, present, future", invited presentation, Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, Keystone CO, January 2015
F. Geurts, "Dilepton & Quarkonium Measurements in STAR", invited presentation, 6th Workshop of the APS Topical Group on Hadronic Physics, Baltimore MD, April 2015
F. Geurts, "Paper Status Report", STAR Collaboration Meeting, Stony Brook NY, June 2015
F. Geurts and R. Fatemi, "Plans for Release of STAR Data for Runs 13 and 14", NPP Program Advisory Committee meeting, BNL, June 2015
F. Geurts, "Recent Developments in Dilepton Physics", invited plenary presentation, Hard Probes 2015, Quebec Canada, July 2015
F. Geurts,"STAR Teaser Talk", STAR Collaboration Meeting, Shanghai China, September 2015
F. Geurts, "STAR Overview", plenary session, Quark Matter 2015, Kobe Japan, September 2015
F. Geurts, "Future Beam Energy Scan Measurements at RHIC", ECT* Workshop on New Perspectives on Photons and Dileptons in Ultrarelativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions at RHIC and LHC, Trento Italy, December 2015
D. Tlusty, "Open Heavy Flavor Measurements as a QGP Probing Tool", Rice NPP Seminar, Rice University, September 3, 2015
K. Xin, "Muonic Atom Analysis and Paper Status", STAR collaboration meeting, Light Flavor Session, Stony Brook University, NY, Jun 2, 2015.
K. Xin, "Dimuon Production and Muonic Atoms in Heavy Ion Colllisions", Ph.D. Thesis defense, Rice University, November 23, 2015.