G. Eppley, "eTOF, MTD, VPD, TOF", STAR Operations Retreat, BNL, Upton NY, May 4, 2022
F. Geurts, "Practical steps to diversifying nuclear physics", panel member, session on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, RHIC/AGS Annual Users' Meeting (online), June 8, 2022
Y. Han, "Run19 19.6GeV Au-Au Di-electron analysis Update”, STAR Analysis Meeting (online), June 20, 2022
Y. Han, "Dielectron analysis with Low-pT electrons @BES2 19.6GeV Au-Au", STAR Collaboration Meeting, BNL, Upton NY , Sept. 14, 2022
Y. Han, "Dielectron Measurements from the STAR BES-2 Program: Status and Future Opportunities", Fall 2022 Meeting of the APS-DNP, New Orleans, LA - Oct.27-30, 2022
C. Jin, "Update on Run21 7.7GeV di-electron analysis and embedding request", STAR Collaboration Meeting, BNL, Upton NY , Sept. 14, 2022
I. Upsal, "Coherent rho production in peripheral heavy-ion collisions", STAR Collaboration Meeting (online), Feb. 17, 2022
I. Upsal, "Diffractive photo-nuclear production of ρ mesons in peripheral Au+Au collisions", DIS 2022, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, May. 2-6, 2022
I. Upsal, "Nuclear Tomography with Polarized Photon-Gluon Collisions at STAR", 11th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics 2022, Kolymbari (Greece), Aug.30 - Sept.11, 2022
I. Upsal, "Diffractive photo-nuclear production of ρ mesons in peripheral Au+Au collisions at STAR", Fall 2022 Meeting of the APS-DNP, New Orleans, LA - Oct.27-30, 2022
Z. Ye, "Temperature measurements via thermal dileptons in Au+Au collisions at 27 and 54.4 GeV", STAR Collaboration Meeting (online) , Feb. 17, 2022
Z. Ye, "Temperature measurement via thermal dileptons in Au+Au collisions at 27 and 54.4 GeV with the STAR experiment", QuarkMatter 2022, Krakow (Poland), April 7, 2022
Z. Ye, “Thermal file-ton measurements in heavy ion collisions”, SQM 2022, Busan (Rep. of Korea), June 15, 2022
Z. Ye, "Vector meson photoproduction at CMS: what we have achieved and moving forward", First CMS Heavy Ion Workshop, CERN (online), Aug. 9, 2022
Z. Ye, “Probing a New Regime of Ultra-Dense Gluonic Matter Using High-Energy Photons with the CMS Experiment”, HENPIC Seminar, Dec. 08, 2022.