J. Brandenburg, "Identified Light and Strange Hadron Spectra at √sNN = 14.5 GeV with STAR at RHIC BES I", Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, Guadeloupe France, February 29, 2016
J. Brandenburg, "Dimuon invariant mass in Au+Au 200 and pp200", LFS-UPC parallel session, STAR Collaboration Meeting, OSU (Columbus, OH), August 16, 2016
J. Brandenburg, "TOF progress", plenary presentation, STAR Collaboration Meeting, OSU (Columbus, OH), August 18, 2016
J. Brandenburg, "Dimuon Analysis in Run 15 pp and Run 14 Au+Au, LFS-UPC parallel session, STAR Analysis Meeting, LBNL, Berkeley CA, November 10, 2016
J. Butterworth and Y. Guo, "Dielectron in BES paper status", STAR Collaboration Meeting, BNL NY, January 2016.
J. Butterworth, "Production of e-e+ from U+U collisions at √sNN = 193GeV and Au+Au collisions at √sNN =19.6, 27, 39, 52.4, and 200 GeV as measured by STAR", Hard Probes 2016, Whuan, China, September 2016
G. Eppley, "Plans for STAR eTOF", Workshop on STAR Upgrades, USTC, Hefei, January 29, 2016
G. Eppley, "eTOF Status", STAR Collaboration Meeting, BNL, Upton NY, January 29, 2016
G. Eppley, A brief introduction to STAR at RHIC", CBM TOF Collaboration Meeting, GSI, Darmstad Germany, April 13, 2016
F. Geurts, "Publication Status Report", STAR Collaboration Meeting, BNL, Upton NY, January 29, 2016
F. Geurts, "The Higgs Hunter's Guide", Classroom Connect 2016, Rice University, February 13, 2016
F. Geurts, "The Higgs Hunter's Guide", QuarkNet Master Class, Carnegie Vanguard High School, Houston TX, March 24, 2016
F. Geurts, "STAR Experimental Status for Runs 14 and 15", NPP Program Advisory Committee meeting, BNL, June 2016
F. Geurts, "Introduction to Charm Physics with Heavy Ions", invited plenary, VIII International Workshop On Charm Physics, Bologna (Italy), September 5, 2016
F. Geurts, "Dilepton Measurements at RHIC", invited presentation, Erice School 2016, 38th course "Nuclear Matter under Extreme Conditions - Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions, Erice (Italy), September 18, 2016
F. Geurts, "The Hottest Thing in the Universe", Rice Science Café, Black Labrador Pub, Houston TX, October 4, 2016
F. Geurts, "Report from Editorial Board", plenary session, STAR Analysis Meeting, LBNL, Berkeley CA, November 12, 2016
F. Geurts, "ETOF Status & Plans", STAR workshop on TOF/MTD, NCKU, Tainan, Taiwan, December 9, 2016
D. Tlusty, "STAR Run 16 Report", plenary presentation at 2016 RHIC & AGS Users' Meeting, BNL, Upton NY, June 2016
D. Tlusty, "Spectra, radial, and directed flow os strange hadrons with fixed target data", LFS-UPC parallel session, OSU (Columbus, OH), August 16, 2016
D. Tlusty, "Directed flow of Lambda and K0s in FXT Au+Au", BulkCorr parallel session, STAR Collaboration Meeting, OSU (Columbus, OH), August 17, 2016
D. Tlusty, STAR Town Hall Meeting, panel member on "Heavy Flavor Hadrons Program", STAR Collaboration Meeting, OSU (Columbus, OH), August 17, 2016
D. Tlusty, "Fixed-target strange particle directed flow", Bulk Correlations PWG parallel session, STAR Analysis Meeting, LBNL, Berkeley CA, November 10, 2016
D. Tlusty, "Strange Particle Spectra", LFS-UPC PWG parallel session, STAR Analysis Meeting, LBNL, Berkeley CA, November 11, 2016