QuarkNet Summer Workshop at Rice University 2023
The 2023 Summer Workshop will be held at Rice University from June 19 - 23, 2023. The agenda for this workshop is posted below (and may change a little bit). The links will give more specific details on some of workshops components. Days start at 9am and end at 4pm. There will be presentations from Rice and UH faculty right before (or after) lunch, except on Friday where we will start off with a presentation and activity.

Photo caption: QuarkNet 2023 participants and fellows next to STAR's event display of a central Au+Au collision. (For more pictures go to photo album)
The Department of Physics & Astronomy will take care of your lunch and will also provide you with parking vouchers.
Teachers will receive a stipend for the days that they attend, so it is important that you sign the sign-in/out sheet when you arrive/leave. Also, make sure sure that you provide the relevant information for the payment to the organizers. Finally, we will provide a certificate to all that have completed the 5-day workshop, certifying the professional development.
Location & Parking
The workshop will take place at Rice University, Herman Brown Hall room 227. To get to the campus, please take a look at this link "How to get to Rice and to get around campus we have some instructions at this link "How to get around campus." We also like this little annotated map that was sent to all participants on the Friday.

For more pictures go to this Photo Album.
- Monday June 19 (9am - 4pm)
- Morning Session - Coding Workshop
- (20 min) Welcome
- (30 min) Norms discussion and activity
- (10 min) Our philosophy re:coding
- (10 min) BREAK
- (2hrs) Driver/navigator time: intro to coding
- Lunch Session
- Faculty presentation: Prof. Bellwied (Univ. of Houston) - Heavy Ions in the LHC
- link to his talk (incl. videos)
- Lunch
- Afternoon Session - Coding Workshop
- (1.5hrs) Continue driver/nav work from previous session
- (15 min) All hands meeting
- Tuesday June 20 (9am - 4pm)
- Morning Session - Coding Workshop
- (15 min) All Hands meeting
- (45 min) Particle Physics Review
- (10 min) BREAK
- (2.5hrs) Driver/navigator time: muon mass
- Lunch Session
- Faculty presentation + demos(!): Prof. Morosan (Rice Univ.) - Superconducting Materials
- Lunch
- Afternoon Session - Coding Workshop
- (15 min) share out from morning session
- (30 min) switch to Teacher Hat mode
- (1 hr) Implementation advice, brainstorm lesson plans, start implementation plan
- (15 min) All hands meeting
- Wednesday June 21 (9am -4pm)
- Morning Session - Coding Workshop
- (20 min) All Hands meeting
- (2.5 hrs) Continue working on implementation plan
- (10 min) Group Photo!
- Lunch Session
- Faculty presentation: Prof. Higuera (Rice Univ.) - Machine Learning with Neutrinos
- Lunch
- Afternoon Session - Coding Workshop
- (40 min) share plans for implementation in groups
- (45 min) code activity showcase
- (10 min) housekeeping & sign-off
- Thursday June 22 (9am -4pm)
- Morning Session - World-Wide Data Day
- Open Session: intros, updates, data activity portfolio (DAP)
- mentor talk: LHC update
- DAP: shuffling the particle deck / making tracks
- Lunch Session
- Faculty presentation: Prof. Toffoletto (Rice Univ) - The Physics of Music
- lunch
- Afternoon Session - World-Wide Data Day
- Analysis intro
- Analysis of data (iSpy-w2d2)
- Share results
- Discussion on results
- Friday June 23 (9am - 4pm)
- Morning Session - New Questions
- Presentation + outside solar viewing demos: Carlton Colmenares (Rice Univ) - The 2024 Eclipse
- link to slides
- several other resources can be found at this link
- New Questions : Opening activities
- Lunch
- Afternoon Session - New Questions
- W-mass activity
- g-2 tutorial
- Discussions
- Final items: survey, evaluation