Strangeness in Quark Matter 2017 (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
July 17, 2017
On July 10, Utrecht University in the Netherlands hosted the 17th edition of the International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter -a.k.a. by its acronym SQM 2017. Over a 6-day long timespan, more than 200 physicists met and discussed strange quarks and hadrons in hot and cold nuclear matter. This year, the organizers decid
ed to broaden the spectrum by including contributions on the heavier quarks, charm and bottom. David Tlusty presented in his invited plenary presentation an overview of recent strangeness results from two collaborations that actively probe the intermediate baryon chemical potential range of the QCD phase diagram: NA61 at CERN, and STAR at RHIC. A direct link to his slides can be found here. Frank chaired one of the parallel sessions that took place on Friday.