Run 23 cooldown finished
May 13, 2023
Run 23 is about to start. Its overall length is determined by the number of so-called cryoweeks; or, the number of weeks that the superconducting magnets are in operating conditions, i.e. below 4.6K. This important milestone was set to happen for May 11, and in the figures you can indeed see that from the ambient, "room" temperature throughout the early part of the spring cooling with liquid nitrogen brought the magnets down to about 60-80K, followed by the final step which involves liquid helium. 
The graphs, which anybody can follow from CAD's website, show that the blue beam (which runs clockwise) was the first to reach this milestone, followed by the yellow beam (which runs counterclockwise).

Zooming in, above, on the last days as the blue ring drops first to operating temperatures, followed by the supercolliding magnets of the yellow beam. Below, zooming in even a bit more to the May-11 start of cryo-weeks, you can now see the blue-ring temperatures hover around and below 4.8K

The graphs, which anybody can follow from CAD's website, show that the blue beam (which runs clockwise) was the first to reach this milestone, followed by the yellow beam (which runs counterclockwise).

Zooming in, above, on the last days as the blue ring drops first to operating temperatures, followed by the supercolliding magnets of the yellow beam. Below, zooming in even a bit more to the May-11 start of cryo-weeks, you can now see the blue-ring temperatures hover around and below 4.8K