2018 APS April Meeting
May 08, 2018
This year's APS April Meeting took place in ... April (not always a given) and was my first opportunity to visit the city of Columbus OH. Julia Velkovska (Vanderbilt) and Romana Vogt (LBL) organized a couple of topical workshops on heavy ion physics. One workshop discussed "High Baryon
Density Physics in Nuclei and the Cosmos". I was invited to talk what we can learn about high baryon density QCD from low energy nuclear collisions. Other talks in this (obviously very interesting!) session looked on the one hand at the nuclear equation of state from cosmological measurements such as gravitational waves from neutron star-black holes and binary neutron star mergers, while at the other hand looked at high
baryon density QCD from lattice calculations.

On the third day of the conference, the DNP section met and the nuclear physics leadership of the DOE Office of Science and NSF brought all up to speed on the current funding challenges and opportunities. Tim Hallman (Associate Director of the DOE Office of Science for Nuclear Physics, and former STAR spokesperson) highlighted a couple of times STAR in this presentation. Very nice!
Density Physics in Nuclei and the Cosmos". I was invited to talk what we can learn about high baryon density QCD from low energy nuclear collisions. Other talks in this (obviously very interesting!) session looked on the one hand at the nuclear equation of state from cosmological measurements such as gravitational waves from neutron star-black holes and binary neutron star mergers, while at the other hand looked at high
baryon density QCD from lattice calculations.

On the third day of the conference, the DNP section met and the nuclear physics leadership of the DOE Office of Science and NSF brought all up to speed on the current funding challenges and opportunities. Tim Hallman (Associate Director of the DOE Office of Science for Nuclear Physics, and former STAR spokesperson) highlighted a couple of times STAR in this presentation. Very nice!