Strangeness in QuarkMatter 2022
June 17, 2022
At the 20th International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter, Zaochen Ye was invited to present at one of its plenary sessions an overview of thermal dilepton measurements in heavy-ion collisions The conference typically focusses on experimental an theoretical developments with respect to strange and heavy-flavored quarks in high-energy heavy-ion collisions as well as in astrophysical phenomena. Dilepton measurements essentially straddle this range of topics as such measurements include decays of phi mesons (strangeness), contributions from charm mesons through J/psi and weak D-meson decays. Temperature measurements extracted from dilepton measurements further more give insight to the conditions inside a QGP, which is a state of matter that arose early after the Big Bang and potentially in neutron-star collisions.

(slide from Zaochen Ye's SQM'22 plenary presenation, summarizing temperature measurements)

(slide from Zaochen Ye's SQM'22 plenary presenation, summarizing temperature measurements)