STAR PreQM'23 Meeting
September 02, 2023
Almost 70 STAR collaborators descended on the Rice campus to participate in the Pre-QuarkMatter meeting. Within a 3-day, jam-packed agenda the collaboration rehearsed all its oral contributions to the QuarkMatter conference, which followed the next week. While outdoor temperatures were consistently about 100F, the campus provided for a welcoming environment in part thanks to the graduate student bar Valhalla and the neighboring Rice Village. Of course, no self-respecting workshop can end without a group picture and below, you'll see an energized STAR collaboration in the Kyle Morrow room on the 3rd floor of the Fondren Library at Rice University. On the big screen you will recognize a few of our online participants, and all the way in the front you can see some of our (very) junior, future collaborators. 😀