QuarkMatter 2019 - Wuhan, China

In 2019 the Quark Matter Conference took us to Wuhan, China. Zaochen Ye presented a poster on dielectron measurements in the new and much larger 2017 data set of Au+Au collisions at 27GeV. His results were also presented in Florian Seck's (TU Darmstadt) parallel presentation. The statistical uncertainties on these preliminary results promise rather exciting opportunities of measuring thermal radiation in the invariant mass range between the phi and J/psi vector mesons. On Friday during the last plenary session before the banquet, Frank Geurts gave the experimental overview of electromagnetic and weak probes. An exciting amount of new results on these subjects were shown at the conference. On the last day, Rice graduate Daniel Brandenburg (now at BNL) received Elsevier's Young Science Award for Best Experimental Talk.

Poster presentation from Zaochen.

Frank speaking on the ginormous stage set for the plenary sessions on Friday.

A clear view on the city of Wuhan from my hotel room.