Mini-workshop on TOF and MTD in STAR at NCKU (Tainan, Taiwan)
December 13, 2016
A mini-workshop was organized from December 8 until 10 on the TOF and MTD detectors that are used in STAR. Both sub detectors have already been part of the STAR detector system for some time. The Barrel TOF system was full commissioned in 2010 and played an essential role in the RHIC Beam Energy Scan (2010-2011, and in 2014). The Muon Telescope Detector was fully commissioned in 2013, ahead of schedule, and ready to participate in the STAR Heavy Flavor campaign from 2014-2016. Both detectors have a lot in common as both are based on Multigasp Resistive Plate Chamber technology. The TOF/MTD workshops are a regular set of meetings in which not only the detector aspects but also the physics results are discussed. In November 2013, our group organized such a workshop at Rice. This year the workshop was organized by the NCKU group and took place on their campus in Tainan, Taiwan.
In addition to a review of the existing detectors and the great results that have come out or our starting to come out of these systems, we also discuss future upgrades. At this workshop, Frank presented the plans and current status of the STAR Endcap TOF system (see photo). This detector will feature during the second phase of the Beam Energy Scan (currently scheduled for 2019-2010) and like the BTOF and MTD is based on MRPC technologies.
In addition to a review of the existing detectors and the great results that have come out or our starting to come out of these systems, we also discuss future upgrades. At this workshop, Frank presented the plans and current status of the STAR Endcap TOF system (see photo). This detector will feature during the second phase of the Beam Energy Scan (currently scheduled for 2019-2010) and like the BTOF and MTD is based on MRPC technologies.