Santa Monica "SMASH" Elementary School (outreach part 2!)

Ask a nuclear physicist!
What a great idea! Using FaceTime I talked for more than half an hour (was it a full hour?) to an elementary school 3rd/4th grade class in Santa Monica, CA. The children had all prepared themselves and provided the fantastic teacher (Alejandra Santini) with a big stack of questions. And, boy, those were some good questions!! Thankfully I had already done some calculations so that I could help the students answer the questions of the energy of TNT (Minecraft!) vs. that of a QGP ... This was also a great time to show of my Particle Zoo pluche puppets.
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And, at the end the whole class sang their Periodic Table Song to me. I could not stop laughing (and they could not stop singing!). A special shout-out to Alejandra Santini, her excellent class, Guido Faas (who was instrumental in setting this up), and of course my best friend ... Archer!